Let the wisdom of your own body lead you home.

About Me

My Story

I offer yoga and energy work (reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy) because I believe in the healing power of movement, touch, presence, and attention. I believe that deep relief can be found in breathing and feeling, especially when we allow ourselves to breathe and feel together.

I came to this work after years and years of living with depression and anxiety. My self-worth was rooted in achievement and people-pleasing, but no matter how much I achieved or how many people I pleased, I just ended up feeling exhausted and empty. I was an academic, and I constantly followed my head instead of my heart. I was completely disconnected from my own body, my emotions, and my intuition.

And then a painful breakup pushed me over the edge, ripping open old wounds and flooding me with intense rage, jealousy, bitterness, and insecurity. But in all of that darkness, I discovered a tiny spark of courage: I was finally ready to change. I was ready to dig deep, to descend into the underworld like Inanna, shed my seven layers and come back reborn. 

I am still on that journey, and while I believe that we have our own path, I have learned that we need not always be alone in our travels. I like to think of a yoga class or reiki/IET session as a waystation – a place of shelter or rest for a weary pilgrim, a time to pause, reflect, refuel, and allow yourself to be cared for. My intention as a teacher and energy work practitioner is to create a space where your body can relax and feel safe, to help you unload some of the heavy baggage you no longer need to carry, and to bolster your courage for the next step on your path, wherever it may lead.

My Training

Equine Myofascial Release I
Broomfield, CO

Assisted Stretching
StretchLab, Denver, CO
Trauma Informed Yoga
Holistic Yoga School, Loveland, CO
Gong Training Level 1
Breathe Meditation and Wellness, Dallas, TX
Ordination as a Minister
Madonna Ministry International

200-hr Yoga Teacher Training
Balance Yoga and Wellness, Forty Fort, PA
Karuna Reiki I training
Pathways to Inner Healing, Moscow, PA

Angel Healing Level 1 training
Integrated Energy Therapy Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced level training
Usui Reiki I-IV (master level) training
Pathways to Inner Healing, Moscow, PA


Private yoga and reiki sessions in Fort Collins, CO and surrounding areas. Sessions are offered at your home or office. In-office energy work appointments are also available upon request.

Private Yoga

60 min or 75 min class

Private yoga classes are a wonderful way to deepen your yoga practice.  Unlike a group class, my private classes are customized for your body, experience level, and emotional needs. You have my full attention and will receive guidance on alignment, breath, use of props, and energetic flow. I have experience in kundalini, vinyasa, slow flow, yin, and restorative yoga as well as qi gong and dance, and I draw movements and exercises from all of these styles to intentionally design a class that will support you in building strength, flexibility, balance, and most importantly, inner peace.

Energy Work

80 min session

In my energy work sessions, I incorporate the modalities of both reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy (IET). Reiki, which means “life energy,” is a gentle energy healing technique developed in Japan in the 1920s. IET, developed by Stevan Thayer in 1994, is similar to reiki but places a greater emphasis on releasing limiting beliefs (or, as Stevan says, getting the “issues out of your tissues”). My sessions are intuitively guided, so each session is unique.

Assisted Stretching

60 min session

I’ll guide your body into stretches, using the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) technique to help your body feel comfortable going deeper at its own pace. We’ll use your breathe to calm your body and help you feel more relaxed even in the discomfort of a stretch.


Duration depends on event

As an ordained interfaith minister, I am empowered to perform weddings, baptisms, funeral services, and other ceremonies honoring major life transitions. I can create custom rituals that align with your spiritual beliefs. Please contact me and we can discuss how I can best serve at your event or ceremony.

What You Will Need

For yoga classes, you will need a yoga mat and a quiet, flat space to practice. I also suggest having the following props available: 1-2 yoga blocks or block substitutes (a stack of books can work in a pinch), 1-2 sturdy blankets, a bolster or pillow, and a strap or belt. For reiki sessions, you will need a quiet space where we will not be interrupted (guest bedrooms are ideal if you have one!). We will either need enough space for my massage table, or a bed or soft spot on a carpeted floor where you can comfortably relax. Both yoga and reiki sessions can be conducted outside, weather permitting.

Cancellation Policy

Please notify me at least 24 hours in advance if you need to cancel our session.
If you need to cancel the day of our appointment, I may need to charge a cancellation fee.

Upcoming Events




Restore and Gong Bath

Open level class with about 45 minutes of gentle movements and restorative poses and 30 minutes of gong vibration. Every Wednesday night, 7:30pm-8:30pm at Be Free Healing in Fort Collins, CO. Sliding scale pricing is available.


Contact Me
